Space Inquiry: How Can Mankind Use Ancient Astronomical Instruments to Discover the Unknown?

Similarities Between Modern and Ancient Astronomical Instruments:

The most significant similarity between Modern and Ancient astronomical instruments is the telescope. Modern astronomical instruments have mainly been developed, instead of new inventions being created to suit a particular purpose. The first telescope was created in the 17th century and was basically a magnification of the night sky. As technology progressed telescopes were developed to search for celestial* objects using radiation from the object searched for. Telescopes have been modified to take photographs once a celestial object has been found. In ancient times astronomy was used to plan the night sky but as we've progressed into modern times we are interested in discovering life on other planets and the unknown in other galaxies. The telescope is the only astronomical instrument which can be used to look into the night sky and beyond. Modern technology has adapted to what we want to find next and this is why the only similarity between modern and ancient astronomical instruments is the telescope.